Dr. Linwood B. Whitten
Ethnicity - African American
Occupation - Interim Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs
Place of Employment - Alabama State University
Years in the field: 16
What global experiences have you taken part in when you were a student and/or a professional?
I was raised as a military kid which made me a global citizen at birth. My lived experiences afforded me opportunities to live and study abroad.
How has Global Education impacted you and your career choices?
Global Education provided me to develop a broad worldview from a very early age and I continued to gain even more cultural competencies as I grew up. I always say that my career choose me and it is a compliment to my way of life.
What do you enjoy most about the work that you do in Global Education?
The impact I am able to make on the lives of young college students of color through workshops, cultural fairs, study abroad and study away programs.
What challenges have you had to overcome as you work in Global Education?
Educating my colleagues in the field that there is diversity at HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and University).
How has your cultural identity impacted your experience working in Global Education?
My cultural identity has allowed me access to advocate and have a voice at tables that most black men do not find themselves at due to the experiences I have had living abroad and working in the field of Global Education.
How has seeing other people of color/diverse backgrounds in Global Education inspired you?
I am absolutely inspired when I meet other BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) in the field because our representation matters on college campuses and at conferences.
As a Kultural Kurator, what does culture mean to you?
Culture means connecting to the roots of who you are, heritage, family legacy, and your history!
Self/Soul Care is important as we live our lives and do this work. How do you incorporate self/soul care into your life?
I honestly make time to travel for leisure, catch some concerts, plays, and explore museums (pre-pandemic). I love cultural experiences.
What advice would you give a future Kultural Kurators as they think about working in Connect, engage, and identify mentors in the field early into your career. Build your network.
How can others follow you on social media, website, and/or is there an email address that you'd like to share?
Email: lbwhittenjr@yahoo.com
Instagram: @dia_asu